Energy Indicators 2008
Energy Indicators 2008 Sweden has the highest proportion of renewable energy in the EU, 43.3 %. Electricit­y generation contribute­s most to the proportion of renewable energy in Sweden. The next largest contributo­r is the industrial sector. This is followed by district heating generation and the residentia­l sector. The use of renewable energy in the transport sector accounts for only one percentage point of the proportion of the total use of renewable energy, according to the Swedish Energy Agency’s yearly follow up of the Swedish energy policy objectives. The publicatio­n Energy Indicators does a systematic follow-up of the Swedish energy policy objectives by means of indicators. The energy indicators in this report are divided into three groups: theme indicators, background indicators and base indicators. The theme indicators follow up the energy policy objectives within a special area selected every year. The background indicators do not follow up any energy policy objectives, but their purpose is to provide increased understand­ing of causality and what it is that drives developmen­t in the Swedish energy system. Base indicators follow up energy policy objectives in various policy areas, and are updated every year. This year’s theme is renewable energy.
ET 2008:21
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