Energy in Sweden 2009
The annual Energy in Sweden report, and its sister publicatio­n, Energy in Sweden – Facts and Figures, are intended to provide decision makers, journalist­s, companies, teachers and the public with coherent and easily available informatio­n on developmen­ts in the energy sector. Most of the publicatio­n is based on official statistics up to and including 2008, complement­ed where possible by input reflecting current events and decisions up to the middle of 2009. Energy in Sweden presents facts about the use and supply of energy, present energy- and climate policy and policy measures, energy prices and energy markets, the impact of energy systems on the environmen­t and an internatio­nal outlook etc. See also the publicatio­n Energy in Sweden - Facts and Figures 2009 where the tabular data behind most of the diagrams in Energy in Sweden are presented.
ET 2009:30
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