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Analysis and Proposals for Better Access to Charging Infrastructure for Home Charging Regardless of Housing Type

This is an English version of the report Analys och förslag för bättre tillgång till laddinfrastruktur för hemmaladdning oavsett boendeform (ER 2021:24).

Identifierare: ER 2022:04
Utgivningsår: 2022
Sidomfång: 138
ISBN 978-91-7993-071-4
Format: -
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Bioenergy Systems in Sweden

Climate Impacts, Market Implications, and Overall Sustainability.

Denna syntesrapport fokuserar på klimatpåverkan av bioenergisystem i Norden och metoder för att utvärdera dessa effekter. För att bioenergi ska anses vara hållbar behöver man ta hänsyn till flera faktorer. En av de viktigaste är hur bioenergisystemet påverkar nettoutsläppen av växthusgaser vid utvinning, produktion, transport och energiomvandling samt vilka förändringar i mängden kol lagrat i biomassa och mark som biomassaproduktionen orsakar.

Identifierare: ER 2018:23
Utgivningsår: 2018
Format: -
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Consequences of an increased extraction of forest biofuel in Sweden

This report summarizes the state of knowledge with respect to possibilities for increasing the extraction of forest fuel in Sweden and the consequences of such increases on soil, water and biodiversity.

This publication was published more than three years ago. Knowledge may have changed over time, please view our newer publications.

Identifierare: ER 2014:09
Utgivningsår: 2014
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Energy in Sweden 2009 Presentationer-pictures

The set of OH-pictures contains all 62 diagrams in Energy in Sweden 2009. The OH-series is available in PDF format only.

This publication was published more than three years ago. Knowledge may have changed over time, please view our newer publications.

Utgivningsår: 2010
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Energy in Sweden 2010 Presentationer-pictures

The set of OH-pictures contains all 59 diagrams in Energy in Sweden 2010. The OH-series is available in PDF format only.

This publication was published more than three years ago. Knowledge may have changed over time, please view our newer publications.

Utgivningsår: 2011
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Energy in Sweden 2011 Presentationer-pictures (Endast PDF)

The set of OH-pictures contains all 68 diagrams in Energy in Sweden 2011. The OH-series is available in PDF format only.

This publication was published more than three years ago. Knowledge may have changed over time, please view our newer publications.

Utgivningsår: 2012
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Energy in Sweden 2012 Presentationer-pictures

The set of OH-pictures contains all 30 diagrams in Energy in Sweden 2012. The OH-series is available in PDF format only.

This publication was published more than three years ago. Knowledge may have changed over time, please view our newer publications.

Utgivningsår: 2013
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Energy in Sweden 2022 - an overview

Energy in Sweden 2022 is an overview and collection of statistics published by the Swedish Energy Agency. The aim is to provide easily accessible information about developments in the energy sector in Sweden. The figures used in Energy in Sweden are collected from stakeholders in the energy sector, both producers and users. The overview also includes a collection of indicators that follow up on the Swedish energy policy targets.

Identifierare: ET 2022:04
Utgivningsår: 2022
Sidomfång: 18
ISBN 978-91-7993-087-5
Format: ,
Lagersaldo: 28
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Implementation programme for recharging and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure

This is the final report of the Government’s joint mission for the Swedish Energy Agency and the Swedish Transport Administration to develop a implementation programme for recharging and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure.The implementation programme includes 55 proposed measures in a number of areas deemed urgent to promote the expansion of recharging and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure.

Identifierare: ER 2024:14
Utgivningsår: 2024
Sidomfång: 130
ISBN 978-91-7993-167-4
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Increasing the lifespan of products

Policies and consumer perspectives.

Energimyndigheten har i arbetet med ekodesign beställt en kunskapssyntes av forskare vid Lunds universitet. Syntesen redogör för kunskapen som finns kring miljöeffekter av förlängd produktlivslivslängd så som design, reparation och uppgradering, och hur miljöpåverkan under olika delar av produkters livscykel (produktion, användning och återvinning) och användarmönster påverkar detta. Rapporten redogör även för kunskapsläget kring konsumenternas syn på produkters livslängd samt hur informationsinsatser och styrmedel kan påverka konsumenter att beakta förväntad livslängd vid inköp.

Identifierare: ER 2021:25
Utgivningsår: 2021
Sidomfång: 152
ISBN 978-91-7993-033-2
Format: -
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Joint Implementation Country Study

The Kyoto Protocol allows the countries that have committed themselves to emission targets (Annex I countries) to fulfil their emission reduction commitments through the so-called Flexible Mechanisms, i.e. carry out abatement projects in other Annex I countries through Joint Implementation (JI), in non-Annex countries through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) or emissions trading. Since many Annex I countries are about to implement most of their cheapest domestic emission reduction potentials, the mechanisms are gradually becoming more interesting to pursue. This report should provide a basis for the Swedish authorities to consider the prosects of using JI to comply with its Kyoto commitments, and to prepare negotiations with possible host countries for co-operation on JI projects. All East European countries considered in this study have some technical potential for Joint Implementation (JI) projects that would be competitive at the expected prices in a future carbon market (0-10USD/tonne CO2).;Improved district heating systems and collection and utilisation of landfill gas are options in all countries, but most projects are small. EU accession might reduce the JI landfill potential somewhat for the countries in question. Russia and Ukraine have large, cheap JI projects in most sectors.

This publication was published more than three years ago. Knowledge may have changed over time, please view our newer publications.

Identifierare: ER 2002:22
Utgivningsår: 2002
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Knowledge base for the market in electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids

This publication was published more than three years ago. Knowledge may have changed over time, please view our newer publications.

Identifierare: ER 2009:36
Utgivningsår: 2011
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Power Sector Reform in the Baltic States

Denna publikation är skriven på engelska och finns inte översatt till svenska Statens Energimyndighet arbetar på olika sätt med att stödja en miljövänlig utveckling av energisektorn i Östersjöregionen. Myndigheten anser det vara av största vikt att utnyttja marknadskrafterna för att införa mera rationell användning av både produktionsresurser och nätanläggningar som på sikt leder till ett mera effektivt och miljövänligt elsystem i Baltikum. Energimyndigheten har vid tidigare tillfällen följt upp elmarkndens utveckling i Baltikum och undersökt fördelarna med en marknadsintegration i denna region (bl.a. Rapporten ""Future conditions for integration of the Baltic Electricity Supply System"", ER 25:1999). I den föreliggande rapporten ""Power Sector Reform in the Baltic States"" framträder tydligt en del viktiga framsteg som skett i dessa länders elmarknadsintegration under de senaste åren samtidigt som den också visar på att en del viktiga moment i elmarknadsreformen återstår. Den sätter också fokus på vilka områden som kan behöva studeras närmare eller utökas för att inkludera flera länder i Östersjöregionen. Rapporten avses utgöra ett underlag även när det gäller att bedöma behoven att ersätta den elproduktion som försvinner i och med att de båda kärnkraftreaktorerna i Ignalina i Litauen stängs. Vilka är i så fall möjligheterna till användning av alternativa energislag som inte ökar utsläppen av växthusgaser? Vilka möjligheter finns att genomföra sådana projekt som klimatprojekt i enlighet med Kyotoprotokollets mekanism för Gemensamt Genomförande (Joint Implementation)? Rapporten berör även sådana aspekter.

This publication was published more than three years ago. Knowledge may have changed over time, please view our newer publications.

Identifierare: ER 2002:15
Utgivningsår: 2002
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Roof-mounted solar with energy storage

Climate cooperation between Sweden and Ghana

Fact sheet of a mitigation activity under article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The activity is in Ghana and is financed by the Swedish Energy Agency.

Identifierare: ET 2024:14
Utgivningsår: 2024
Sidomfång: 1
ISBN 978-91-7993-183-4
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Solar Power and Solar Fuels Synthesis Report

Technology, market and research activities 2006–2011

Direct solar energy is a globally underused energy resource, with the potential to cover the world’s energy use many times over. This report covers research and market issues, in Sweden and internationally, on photovoltaics, concentrating solar power, and solar fuels. The report’s focus is on 2006 – 2011 and the authors also give recommendations concerning a future Swedish research program on photovoltaics, concentration solar power and solar fuels. Energi direkt från solen är en globalt sett underutnyttjad resurs med potential att täcka mänsklighetens energibehov många gånger om. I denna rapport ges en sammanställning av såväl marknad som forskning; nationellt och internationellt, för områdena solel, termisk solkraft samt solbränsle (omfattar artificiell fotosyntes och biologisk produktion genom fotoaktiva mikroorganismer). Rapporten inriktar sig på åren 2006 – 2011 och författarna ger också rekommendationer för hur framtida offentliga forskningssatsningar kan utformas.

This publication was published more than three years ago. Knowledge may have changed over time, please view our newer publications.

Identifierare: ER 2012:17
Utgivningsår: 2012
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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STIL2 in India

The purpose of the STIL2 project is to present the energy use in a specific building category on national level. This is made possible through energy audits performed in a number of buildings, selected through a statistical sample which allows the results from the audits to be scaled up to national level. This report describes the implementation of this methodology in India. The project was conducted within the framework of the bilateral agreements on energy issues between India and Sweden.

This publication was published more than three years ago. Knowledge may have changed over time, please view our newer publications.

Identifierare: ER 2012:24
Utgivningsår: 2012
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Ten Years of Energy Labelling of Domestic Appliances 1995-2005

This report contains ten years’ of collated experience from the work with compulsory energy labelling 1995–2005. The Swedish Energy Agency takes over from the Swedish Consumer Agency and assumes the responsibility for supervision and tests from 2006.

This publication was published more than three years ago. Knowledge may have changed over time, please view our newer publications.

Identifierare: ER 2006:18
Utgivningsår: 2006
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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The Climate report 2001

The Swedish Energy Agency has been instructed by the Government to assist the Environmental Protection Agency in preparing material for the third National Report to the Convention of Climate Change. ;The study shows that the Swedish energy and carbon dioxide taxation policy is the most effective measure for reducing carbon dioxide emissions, although other measures intended to encourage the efficiency of energy use and use of renewable energy also contribute. ;It is expected that, as a result of the various incentive programmes, carbon dioxide emissions will have been reduced by 3-4 million tonnes by 2000/2005, of which a significant part will have been reduced in other countries.

This publication was published more than three years ago. Knowledge may have changed over time, please view our newer publications.

Identifierare: ER 6:2002
Utgivningsår: 2002
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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The consequences of an expanded electricity certificate market

The Government has instructed the Swedish Energy Agency to investigate the expected consequences of an expanded electricity certificate trading market. The main purpose of the work is to identify and assess the consequences of short-term and long-term effects, to identify and analyse the basic criteria that will need to be fulfilled by the countries, and to present and evaluate possible models for assigning quotas to the countries. The work also includes consideration of the implications of EU legislation on an expanded market, together with a presentation of any necessary legal changes that will be required.

This publication was published more than three years ago. Knowledge may have changed over time, please view our newer publications.

Identifierare: ER 2005:18
Utgivningsår: 2005
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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The Swedish Energy Agency´s methodology for long-term energy projectio

The Swedish Energy Agency is responsible for making long term projections of the Swedish energy consumption and energy supply. This report presents the step-by-step process and the models used in produsing long-term projections of energy supply and energy consumption at the Swedish Energy Agency.

This publication was published more than three years ago. Knowledge may have changed over time, please view our newer publications.

Identifierare: ER 2005:37
Utgivningsår: 2005
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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The Swedish-Norwegian Electricity Certificate Market

Annual Report 2020.
2nd edition due to changed report number and ISBN number

Sweden and Norway have had a common market for electricity certificates since 1 January 2012. The annual report on the electricity certificate market is published by the Swedish Energy Agency and the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE). With this report, the Swedish Energy Agency and NVE wish to present statistics for the electrical certificate system and to increase the understanding of how the system works.

Identifierare: ET 2021:16
Utgivningsår: 2021
Sidomfång: 32
ISBN 978-91-7993-037-0
Format: -
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Top-down CO2 Emission Baselines for the Estonian District Heating Sect

This publication was published more than three years ago. Knowledge may have changed over time, please view our newer publications.

Identifierare: ER 2000:15
Utgivningsår: 2000
Format: A4
Pris: 0,00 kr
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Visar 1 - 22 av 22